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Newington History Group

Newington Church of England Primary School


The school was built in 1850 on land bequeathed in 1689 for the benefit of the poor.

This illustration by Mavis Syred, uses records to show how it may have looked.

This rare aerial photograph shows the school in the late 1960’s.

Newington may be a small village but has a great heritage with many stories to tell and luckily for our school, Newington History Group works closely with staff and pupils.

As a school our strong and special relationship with Newington History Group began in 2013.

Members of Newington History group had researched details of every serviceman from Newington who had fallen in WW1.

Between 2014 and 2018 the school remembered each of the 31 men in a special school Collective Worship on the 100th Anniversary of their death. Pupils learned about each man’s life and handed wooden crosses bearing the name to Newington History Group. After being laid at the war memorial, the crosses are now on display inside St. Mary’s Church.

It is believed that of all schools taking part in this national project Newington CEP was one of the very few to complete the full four years.

We continue to name every man from the village who gave their life in service to their nation, in our school annual Remembrance service, written and lead by Year 6 pupils.

The school also played a central part in the church service held to commemorate the end of WW1.

Since this time the school and History group have worked together on a variety of projects.

When remains of a Roman Temple were discovered in the village in 2021 a group of children from school were given exclusive access to view the dig and later invited to sing at the unveiling ceremony when the finds were relocated.

Members of the history group regularly come into school to share their knowledge of the school, village and life in Kent.

Newington History Group generously donate books to our Year 6 Leavers together with a free membership to the History Group and support with history in their future education.

For more information on the Newington History Group please visit